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A Pair of Letterpress Business Cards

Recently, one of my neighbors at Catapult Lakeland asked for some business cards that solved a couple problems he had. Like many creatives and entrepreneurs, Joshua leads a couple different lives. He’s the CEO of a software development company and owns a real...

We’re Back! | Creative People Are Weird

Holy cow, what a summer! It’s been crazy, busy and exciting and I dropped the ball on #CreativePeopleAreWeird. Well, I’m back and with this little update comes a big message: Don’t Retreat! Don’t let The Resistance or your fear or your...

Awesome Letterpress Postcards

If you read my posts regularly, you may know that I’m currently taking a few Skillshare classes, including Branding With Radical Typography by James Victore. Man, James is a tough teacher. I’m not sure about the other students (I have my assumptions), but...

Does Where You Work Matter?

After an unexpected week hiatus, I’m back with another Creative People Are Weird. Typically, I try to have a fairly clear opinion in these videos, setting up to volley with you, dear viewer, and incite lively discussion. This week’s a little different. I’ve been...

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