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Field Notes

by | Jan 21, 2015 | Letterpress

One of my favorite graphic designers (Aaron Draplin) created one of the handiest things there is: Field Notes.

It is likely that you’ve heard of the brand of pocket-sized notebooks. If you haven’t, they’re well-worth a look. It’s a product that’s well-considered, well-crafted, and makes you feel cool when you use it.

It was this particular wood-covered iteration that served as a major source of inspiration for #theknotgala invitations.

Here’s one of my favorite things about Field Notes:

The inside back cover is chock full of things that are both archaic and incredibly useful.

It’s got:

  • The story of the brand
  • A five-inch ruler with markings to 1/16″
  • The production details (including the presses and inks used – great for a print nerd like me – and even the names of a few of the guys who helped make things happen
  • A list of thirty “Practical Applications,” including Crop Predictions, Hymns/Prayers, Hate Mail, Illegible Autographs, and Tall Orders

The back cover is completely and utterly hidden in plain sight. Most people will gloss over it if they even notice it.

Then there’s people like me (and I’d guess like you, too). We delight in the little details that allow us a glimpse into the worlds of people who make the things we use. We revel in the tiny things that make us laugh.

It’s for us that Draplin and Co. crafted the back page of Field Notes.

And it’s for you that I try to always add those little hidden details – often hidden in plain sight – that delight.

Those details that reward the careful observer.

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