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Three Keys to Your Wedding Hashtag’s Success

by | Nov 20, 2015 | Weddings and Social

Your guests want to know: Are you having an unplugged wedding?

I think you should consider it.

But you don’t care what I think. Sightlines be damned! You’re not telling your guests to stow their electronics.

So if you’re going to let them have their cameras and phones, give your guests something to rally around. Take advantage of the collective of cameras at your big day.,

Make A Wedding Hashtag!

Making a hashtag is the easiest part – just type “#” before whatever catchy phrase you decide. You can use it on Facebook, Instagram, Periscope, Twitter – wherever your heart desires.

There are a few things to keep in mind to get the most from your wedding hashtag


Do a little legwork to make sure your chosen hashtag doesn’t have some secondary meeting that will make nana blush when she searches it. Remember #susansalbumparty, anyone?

This is a great spot to be creative! It doesn’t have to include your name. One of my favorites is the one Melissa and Julius used for their Vegas wedding: #blackwivesmatter


Plaster that hashtag everywhere! Put it on your save the date! Give it its own card in the invitation! Plaster it on the bathroom mirrors at your venue! Make it clear and prominent!

Follow Up

Use your hashtag for wedding-related followups! For (PG) photos of your honeymoon and life at home. If your photographer allows, post their photos with your hashtag, too.

Here are a few of our favorite event hashtags:

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So, tell me in the comments: what hashtag will you be using for your big day?

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