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the arrival

by | Jun 10, 2013 | Uncategorized | 3 comments

What did you do last week?

I had a kid.

Well, actually, my wife had our kid. Our son was born last Wednesday – a big boy at 9lb 8oz, 21.5 in.

One of the best things about this time around was getting to watch how our daughter handled the process. She had a (nearly) normal day, going to daycare a little early so we could get to the hospital in time.

They had us scheduled, but didn’t have a room ready for us, so there was plenty of waiting (there always seems to be).

My wife is a coffee addict. She had already sacrificed during pregnancy by switching to decaf. The final 24 hours with no food/drink was almost too much. Her incredible nurse tried to help:

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I have sat outside these doors once already. That experience was riddled with anxiety. This time, nothing but anticipation.

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It was a dreary week; my favorite. It reminds me of my childhood in northeast Ohio.
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And everything changed for my firstborn at the end of this hall. It’s so amazing to watch your kids go through all of these emotions.

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She’s been a champ throughout this whole thing.

And so has my wife, who is now free to drink her favorite blend.

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  1. Sherri

    Great pictures, Matthew!

  2. Sherri

    Congratulations! What a beautiful family 🙂

  3. Kristen

    Oh goodness. Too cute!


  1. last night’s dream | a fine press - [...] our most recent little one came along, my changing sleep patterns have lead to some pretty vivid dreams. I’m…


  1. Sherri

    Great pictures, Matthew!

  2. Sherri

    Congratulations! What a beautiful family 🙂

  3. Kristen

    Oh goodness. Too cute!


  1. last night’s dream | a fine press - [...] our most recent little one came along, my changing sleep patterns have lead to some pretty vivid dreams. I’m…

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